Learning for Life Programme (LLP)
Learning for Life Programme (Visual Arts)
SAPS builds on our Lasallian ethos and philosophy to offer a Learning for Life Programme (LLP) in Visual Arts. We seek to foster in our students the desire to learn about artistic forms and methods, grow an appreciation of art and serve the community with their talents.
Learning to appreciate and create art
The Tier 1 programme is incorporated in the school’s Visual Arts (VA) curriculum for all students. As an enhancement to the curriculum, students learn specialised art forms through Digital Art and Ceramics modules from P1 to P6, which strengthen students’ skills progressively.
Digital Art Programme
The Digital Art programme leverages the use of technology to reinforce core art concepts and skills in school, and teaches Anthonians how to use digital information responsibly. Over their six years in SAPS, Anthonians explore a range of digital art tools to create static and animated art pieces.
Ceramics Programme
In this programme, students learn and practise forming processes with clay using a variety of techniques. The process of getting their hands ‘dirty’ eventually results in unique works of beauty. Ceramics is a much-loved aspect of the VA programme and our Anthonians’ ceramic art is prominently displayed around the school.
Think! Contemporary
Think! Contemporary is a multi-visit, museum-based school programme for our P4 cohort. It integrates the school’s VA curriculum with museum visits and uses artwork from the Singapore Art Museum’s (SAM) permanent collection as primary resources for art lessons to provide an authentic experience in the appreciation and creation of art.
Click here to visit the virtual exhibition for Think! Contemporary 2022.
Deepening interest, appreciation and aptitude
Students who have greater interest or aptitude in VA are encouraged to participate in our Tier 2 programmes to deepen their interest, broaden their horizons and hone their talents.
CCAs: Junior & Senior Art Club
The school offers CCAs for students with a keen interest in VA. The Junior Art Club caters to P1-P3 students, while the Senior Art Club comprises P4-P6 students. While the focus is on ceramics, Art Club members also get to explore varied techniques, forms and mediums to express their creativity.
School-based Art Elective Programme
The school’s own AEP was piloted for P2 in 2008 and has since expanded to include P2 to P6 Anthonians. Students enjoy opportunities to explore different art mediums through specialised modules, such as printmaking, still-life drawing, observational drawing and papier-mâché.
Being a blessing to the community
Arts Reach is the school’s outreach to the community through the arts. In line with our Lasallian values of Faith, Service and Community, Arts Reach gives Anthonians opportunities to use the skills they learn in the school’s VA programmes to bless those in the wider community.
Visiting residents at care centres
Students visit elderly residents at Hong Kah North Day Care Centre and St. Luke’s ElderCare Centre to guide them through art activities and give them artwork made by Anthonians.
Hosting art classes for seniors
SAPS supports Family Central’s Intergenerational Learning Programme (ILP), which encourages seniors to sign up for courses. SAPS conducts Ceramics workshops for interested seniors, with Senior Art Club members guiding them through the process. The experience also provides rich opportunities for Anthonians to interact with and learn from the seniors, and reinforces the idea that learning is a joyful and lifelong process.
PAssionArts is a community arts initiative that makes arts and culture more accessible to all. Our Visual Arts and Performing Arts CCAs enjoy showcasing their artwork and performances to the community, in partnership with Hong Kah North CC.